So, just a typical couple of weeks for this gal, then.
TD and I improving our meeting techniques. More people open to listen to us.
Another gig. This time "Mostly Comedy" at the George in Hitchin. A little rough in places but featuring Spandex Ballet and James Acaster amongst others. Venue was far from plush but the company was good and the atmosphere was friendly and warm.
A visit to the Henry Moore exhibition at Tate Britain; a lack lustre football performance against Algeria watched in a crowded pub with a friend and some good beer.
Another city visit to Liverpool and some time to sit and ponder things in the Metropolitan Cathedral. A display in the foyer listed the names of ordinands from the English College in Rome (Idiot Boy studied there) and it brought a little lump to my throat.
I also had to do a fair bit of thinking about what I want from life - not something I've really ever done. I didn't actually come to any real conclusions but I guess sometimes it's something we all have to consider.
Then the neighbours and some old friends came round to share a bottle of Penfolds Grange that was bought as a gift a couple of years ago - and we toasted to the absent friend and shared silly stories. Another tough thing to do but the wine and company were both perfect for the occasion and on the whole memories were positive ones.
More excrutiating football at the pub...this time initially on my own and then joined by DrC and CW. The football was bad, the exchange of messages with S was smile-inducing and the company was excellent.
Then today a chance amble down the garden revealed the extent of the fruit of the cherry trees' labours.
The trees were a joint project and have been largely ignored along with the rest of the
The last few years have seen a small quantity of fruit form and ripen, only to be snaffled by the abundant blackbirds.
The other day, whilst sitting on the back step and chatting to TD I noticed a blackbird taking a lot of interest in the tree - he mocked me for being so easily distracted but it was that thought today that sent me down there.
The older of the two trees was groaning with just about ripe fruit...a couple more days and the rest will be perfect but I picked a few to be going on with.
The boy would have been delighted with the fruity haul - I bought him a cherry stoner a long time ago when he acquired a taste for the fuit - and I stoned a bowlful for my dessert this evening.
Good times, poignant memories...