Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Sun Setting

L1002320 Nearly a sunset by Lillput
L1002320 Nearly a sunset, a photo by Lillput on Flickr.
Well today marks another momentous (for me, anyway) occasion.

I put my house on the market.

I moved in here, with Idiot Boy, in November 1997 and I'll move out again around 15 years later to a slightly more complicated life but one that's right for now.

So there's been a flurry of painting, cleaning, lawn mowing and a nearly epic amount of throwing (or rather, giving) away.

There have been more than usual of my periodic "tricky moments" as memories crowd in on me but, as S wisely reminds me "you always knew it would be hard". It is.

The house seemed to have been turning on me and my lack of attention to it of late - but it has rewarded my latest efforts by looking pretty good in the set of photographs I took for the estate agent. I'm finding it easy to see why we fell in love with the place all that time ago.

So am I sorry to be going?

Sort of...but the overriding feeling is that it's the right time to change and the new plan (flat in Bristol, shared house in Eastbourne) is absolutely the right thing to be doing for now.

Thanks to everyone who has been wishing me well with the plans.

Thanks to everyone who has helped with getting the house into a better state (especially PBH, MP, JP and CP for helping me tame the lawn over the last couple of months).

And, of course, S...who is quietly encouraging without intruding, always ready with a hug when it gets a bit shit and brings practical solutions to my problems.

You're all fab.


1 comment:

  1. Thank. It makes me feel great when I read all these stories. It helps me from hopelessness and make me more stronger to fly… thank… for everything.
