Thursday 16 September 2010

Seasonal Shift

IMG_0383 Seasonal Shift
Originally uploaded by Lillput
There's been a slight shift in the season.

Not enough to radically change things. Not enough to put the heating on.

Just enough to see me putting a jumper on from time to time.

A few days ago my winter coal delivery was made. Another waypoint in the year.

This evening I was supposed to be meeting friends in a pub in Bath. I was really looking forward to it - I haven't seen some of the guys for a couple of months and it was going to be nice to catch up over a pint or two...and maybe some camera talk.
But plans for tomorrow changed a bit during the day meaning I've got to be up super-early in the morning. Added to which I seem to have had a headache thing for four or five days and it's getting kinda annoying.

All in all, then, it's probably best to spend the evening in.

But the chill in the air is causing brisk draughts to fly around my Victorian house and it's one of those days when I just want to curl up somewhere cosy.

So, what's a gal to do? Light a fire, that's what.

It's more than warmth. It's glow and safety and comfort. It perfectly fits my slightly subdued mood.

I love the summer and I can still almost feel the warmth of sitting outside with a pint and a friend earlier in the year. But I'm relishing the move into autumn with its different light, its change in the colours outside.

In a couple of weeks when I hear the rain lashing on the window and I really don't want to run across to my garage to get some logs I might briefly yearn for sun and warmth and the ability to get by in a short sleeves, but the resulting fire will easily make up for the unpleasant 50 yard dash.

In short, the season I like best is the next one.


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