Friday 17 July 2009

Rescuing from neglect

Another busy few days.

Still reeling from clearing the room for the builders (who didn't start this week...but should do next week) I seem to have arranged an awful lot of things to happen this week.

Locksmiths, dishwasher engineers, paint delivery...and other stuff too

Today the last of the planned arrivals arrived.

The paint. A palletload of paint.

Here you see it lined up in my hallway.

Exhausted though I am from the week's excitement, I feel an amount of satisfaction that these things have finally been done and that, for the most part, I dealt with them myself.

The problem with letting things go like I have is that when you finally open your eyes and realise how much it bothers you, there's just so much to do.

The benefit of getting people who know what they're doing, in whom you have confidence is that all the details become their problems and you can watch the house being rescued from a safe distance.

Builder starts work in the basement next week, the decorator starts at the top of the house the following week.

Bring it on


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