Sunday 26 July 2009

Subborn Cow Syndrome

Decorator is due tomorrow. My bedroom had to be cleared for him to do his work.

The bed, thankfully, is staying where it is but the other piece of substantial furniture - a chest of drawers made from reclaimed wood - has to move into the spare room.

I was told, the other day, that I'm a "stubborn cow" because I have a tendency to do things without asking for help.

It's not that I don't know there are loads of people who would help me, if only I were to ask. Thing is, for some reason I don't ask.

So, today, faced with a chest of drawers that is about 4' wide & 4'6 tall (and I'm 5'3") do I ask for help? What do you think?

This is the beast in question. Shown with the drawers already removed and some of the contents consigned to the recycling.

It had to be moved to here

The chest is much lighter when it has its drawers removed. Even so, it's awkward.

So, faced with this what does a single gal do?

She employs a dolly. Not Tiny Tears, not Barbie nor even Action Man but...

Something "Idiot Boy" bought a long time ago and I couldn't see the point.

Employed like this

It makes the task of moving something somewhat easier.

There's the coefficient of friction between the surface of the dolly and the surface of the item versus the inertia of the wheels on the wooden floor (and more so on the carpeted surfaces) which can add a frisson of comedy but, on the whole, the whole job becomes a veritable piece of cake.

So, a few moments of manoevring and a tiny bit of colouful language later, we have the furniture in its new home.

For those of you (mostly my lovely male friends) rolling your eyes heavenwards and thinking "why on earth didn't you ask?" I know you're happy to help. I know I could ask. But sometimes there are things this girl has to do by herself...just to know she's coping.

Have no fear. Now I know I can do it, I've no real need to move it back without help. What are you doing in about 10 days' time?

Oh, and a belated comment to Idiot Boy...OK, you were right, buying that dolly was a bloody good idea....


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