Tuesday 27 January 2009

The mystery of the mayonnaise

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So...there's an advert for Helman's mayonnaise. It's voiced over by Anthony Worrall-Thompson. I think his cooking is m'eh but I guess he knows what he's talking about when it comes to food...right?

The ingredients for this gloopy, unpleasant, ubiquitous sandwich adhesive are eggs, oil and vinegar or lemon juice. A simple enough thing.

Still -given it's pretty much all fat it's high in calories.

So - there's a "lite" version. This is what AWT is advertising.

The gist of the advert is:

"We know it's important to keep the quality of ingredients high so we kept in the free range eggs, the oil (which is naturally high in omega somethings) and the vinegar. So all we removed were the calories"

Errrrr... so now calories are an ingredient?

I know they don't teach proper domestic science at school any more but is anyone really going to fall for that?


1 comment:

  1. I don't really know very much about Anthony Worrall-Thompson other than that I find him inexplicably irritating. So I looked at his Wikipedia entry. I found this, among other stuff:

    "Thompson recommended the poisonous plant Henbane as a "tasty addition to salads" in the August 2008 issue of Healthy and Organic Living magazine. Apologising for the error Thompson said: "I was thinking of a wild plant with a similar name, Fat Hen, not this herb. It's a bit embarrassing, but there have been no reports of any casualties. Please do pass on my apologies." The magazine sent subscribers an urgent message stating that Henbane "is a very toxic plant and should never be eaten.""

    ...the calory was isolated while bombarding fish and chips with a plasma beam at Porton Down back in the 70s. It's been produced commercially at the Pot Noodle factory as a by-product of the nutrition extraction process that the ingredients go to, and is used as a food additive, particularly in Wales, where it comes in a third, extra large, cruet at the table. There's lovely.
