Tuesday 17 February 2009

I should be committed

Well. That's it.

I've signed up.

I've committed to doing a Solo Photo Book Month project (SoFoBoMo).

What: Go look at the website and see

Why: A friend pointed me in its direction a few weeks back. I've been wanting something to give me a bit of photographic direction and a time-controlled project. No financial gain. Not a competition. Just something to do. Why not, indeed.

It's part of my quest to make me look at stuff differently.

These days I can turn out a technically competent photograph and when I don't I usually know what I'd do to fix the tecchnical problems.

But..and it's the big but...I still, relatively infrequently turn out a photograph that makes me think "that's an interesting way to look at that".

Only this evening a friend sent me an email with some suggested crops of pictures I've posted. As I look at his crops I marvel at how he sees my pictures so very differently to me.

He doesn't say "my crops are better than yours" he offers them as a suggestion for what he's seeing.

I could jsut keep taking pictures (and I will) and put some up for stock, others up in Flickr but a focus (pun intended) for my eyes will be a good thing for me.

So - thank you CJ for the suggestion and thank you TD for continuing to say "what about this".

...come on DrP...decide on your project and let's go.


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