Friday 13 February 2009

Vegetables as a metaphor for life?

I have some friends coming to stay with me for a while whilst they have some home improvements done.

I am the most appalling housekeeper, ever. Never been good at it...and I'm getting worse.

Cooking will be a communal event, in all likelihood, so I feel the need to bring my kitchen up to a bare minimum standard, despite my friends' protestations that I shouldn't go to any trouble.

This morning's work has been to clear out a cupboard and my fridge.

The cupboard had flour with a BBE 2005 date and sugar that dates back to the early cretaceous. You're getting the picture?

My fridge is full of vegetables and I have to wonder why I have so many in there.

They had such potential..either as a complete meal or as an occasional side dish. Nevertheless, I've allowed them to go beyond the point of no return.

Perhaps I expected too much of them. It certainly isn't their fault.

Still, there are some that are beyond saving so a small pile of rank veg were consigned to the compost heap. It's so sad, it's almost criminal.

There are some veg that are on the periphery of rankness...I don't think they're beyond saving but I think I'll have to modify my expectation for them. I hope all is not lost.

So - is this a a metaphor for my life?

Possibly...but more likely it's just a damning indictment of how crap I am at housekeeping.


  1. "...early cretaceous."

    'LOL' as they say.

    I do love a bit of hyperbole.

    I also like the fact you have specified that it is to the 'early' phase of the cretaceous period that this sugar dates back to!

  2. @James
    It pays to be precise in sugar-eras...
    Some of the sucrologists get very, very sniffy if you get it wrong :-)

  3. There are parts of my fridge that I avoid...

    And while we're at it, try four minutes into this

  4. After getting fed up of chucking mouldy stuff away, I resolved to only buy what I would get around to eating. a result I now have a fridge that is devoid of anything but milk and sauce bottles - not really the point of the exercise.

  5. @AndyBee
    Yep, that's my dilemma.
    Fortunately, with lodgers incumbent making good use of things is slightly easier... least until we all get bored and start getting take aways.
