Saturday 28 March 2009


For the last six weeks I've had a couple of friends living with me.

They've been having work done on their house and asked to come and stay whilst the work was carried out.

I was happy to oblige. They're good friends, good company and there's plenty of room in my house.

Today they pretty much moved out.

Several people have asked whether I'll miss them, or whether I'm glad to see them go.

The answer's not simple.

I've been living on my own for a couple of years now, having moved from my parents' house some 20 odd years ago and then living with my partner.

I hear that the current "housing crisis" is, in part, due to the fact that so many people live alone.

I know several people who choose to live alone and other people who live alone for other reasons. Strictly speaking, I'm one of the latter.

Until now, I've not considered whether I like or want to live alone...I just do.

Tonight is my first night back on my own in the house with nothing much to do.

Am I lonely? No. It's kinda nice to perch here, on the sofa, "House" on in the background and snuggly blanket on my lap to keep out the chill of the falling temperature.

Do I miss them? Yep. As DrP gave me a hug as he finished packing the car I had to stifle a bit of a lump in my throat. They were both lovely company and perfect houseguests.

So how do I feel about living on my own?

It's still just what I do. But now I know that I positively like some aspects of living alone, and also that I could share my living space again...given the right housemate.

Good result, I reckon.


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